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For Employers

Due to our experience supporting some of the largest employers in West Michigan, we are uniquely positioned to help you provide a life-changing benefit to your employees.

Below is a list of items that come standard with a Retirement plan administered by RPI:

Lower cost retirement plans to both employer and employee: 401k, 403b, Simple and Sep IRA’s

Multiple fund family offerings with the option to include, and not limited to, Vanguard Funds, American Funds, Fidelity Funds, JP Morgan Funds, Invesco Funds, State Street Funds and Voya Funds

Complimentary on-site retirement education seminars for employees on topics such as Social Security, How to pay lower taxes in retirement and income planning

Regular, in person, on-site, one on one account review appointments with employees

Being available to answer employees' questions, either on-site or via phone/email regularly

Payroll & CPA coordination, helping you with the administrative plan tasks

100% on boarding to facilitate employer plan transfer to new plan